Flooring question...

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by gertie, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Hi all - possibly a dumb question but is it necessary to take the units out to replace the flooring. The old fibreboard has disintegrated in part so I was going to just replace the open floor area with marine ply....but then saw the old carpet went under the units....is it a bodge to just replace the middle bit....probably answering my wn question but what have others done? Cheers Jason
  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    It's not a bodge to replace just the part you walk on but of its falling apart due to age then it's probably all gone soggy and crumbly under the units too from water, thrills and spills so it is best to replace the whole lot.

    Just don't expect it to be a simple job though as you'll probably find rust on the floor that you'll want to treat.
  3. Cheers Birdy....need to keep reminding myself that one job will always lead another and it'll always take a week longer than planned!!! But then that's the reason for owning old buses ! I'll start emptying the cupboards now....
  4. Don't forget to put any wiring under whilst your at it,
    You might want speakers in the back at some point and so on
  5. you may find you take as long cutting the flooring out to shape as you would have done taking out the units and laying a new one. With a new floor, you can use the weight of the units to keep it down and flat. by cutting out you may need a few more holes in the floor to keep it down.

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