WANTED Flip-Over Work Surface

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by taipan, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Don't know the real name for this, but what I mean is the white top that hinges to cover the sink then hinges away to provide a work surface. Van is a 73 Westy, btw.
    A pair of hinges would be good as I can make the wooden top.
  2. [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    L to R: Card table hinge, Zysa hinge, Soss hinge, Bar Flap (counter top) hinge.....all need recessing....
  3. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    The hinge for the top had one half longer so it's long enough to wrap around the sink,
  4. I've never seen one, so just guessing....
  5. Hi
    Thanks for the replies. I'm looking for original hinges as I've already have the holes:D But also, there is a support on the back of the rear-facing seat that will support the table top if it's at the right height.
  6. I thought you were making a new top?
  7. Yes, I can make a new top if I need to, but I want to fit the original type hinges. So, if someone has a crappy top but with reasonable hinges I'm still interested.

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