First time out !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lofty, May 23, 2013.

  1. Just want to say that I will be using the camper for the first time to sleep in this weekend. Master lofty and I will be travelling across the water to take on the French.
    Ok it's only across the Thames from Essex to Kent, and it is not a real battle, but I'm still excited to be using the van for what it was intended for.
    Wish us luck and if you see us, give us a wave. Green Westy.
    Lardy, bertie78 and oscar like this.
  2. Have fun mate. Hope you get decent weather.
  3. Hope it all goes to
    Plan for you, enjoy every golden moment. Good times
  4. Have a great time :)
  5. Enjoy! I was just excited on my first drive, who knows what I'm going to be like when I get to camp out! Haha :)
  6. Have a great time :thumbsup: (Kent's not that scary - honest - though I somehow managed to end up living 200 miles away from there!)
  7. Good luck Lofty.
  8. have a great time and good luck
    .... i'm terrified to take mine longer than a half hour drive incase she breaks down!! stupid I know... thats why her battery is dead coz I wont use her!!!

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