Fight back!!! Rodents & me V our cats

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Merlin Cat, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    image.jpg This week so far, we are slightly winning :) at least in the house!

    Rodents I've taken out alive = 3
    Rodents cats have left dead = 2

    At present I have this one on the kitchen counter recuperating! I've put in some bird seeds to feed it up after its ordeal! It's happily eating its way through them :)
    The cat meantime had gone back out to bring me more presents!
  2. Bloody nuisance, I have 160 break back traps at any one time!
  3. I wish you well. We had a rat invasion several years ago, and it drove me nuts :mad:. Poison in trays the only way.
  4. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    There is poison up around the farm yard and garages. :( My main aim is to rescue rodents from the serial killers that are my cats! They have bought in all sorts shrews, mice, rats plus the odd bird - the birds have had a better survival rate, ESP a v stroppy baby blackbird :) we are now a dab hand at diving under the bed after the cat and getting a Tupperware over the mouse etc before it is killed. I used to pick them up but after being bitten by a rather ungrateful rat I no longer pick them up if possible. :)

    We get at least one per night bought in and I have a little rodent Cemetary outside. :)

    I've seen the fox walk through with a big rat in its mouth and a falcon (I think) fly over with one in its claws :)
  5. Hmm - that's a different spin on the situation... We were overrun by rats - 30s house with plenty of room to get in - and it drove me to destraction. I hate them! If I find any more, I'll post them to you ;)
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  6. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Mm, I don't like them that much! Not the rats. I like the mice, voles and actually love the shrews :) - tho sadly I've only managed to rescue 1 shrew alive:(
  7. Yep, don't mind the odd mouse and the smaller stuff, they're ok. Our old moggie (RIP) used to bring us voles in bed, then look mighty peed off 'cos we didn't appreciate his token of undying love...
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Get a terrier, my Airedales are death on legs to any rodent.
    The Deerhounds on the other hand :rolleyes:
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  9. I shudder at the mere thought of rats :confused:
    IZZYBAY likes this.

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