Feckin' Courtesy lights....

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by vanorak, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. both cab door courtesy light switches aren't working...unclipped the interior light unit and ran an earth straight to the switch locations on either side...light comes on..........so it's the b%**£!"d cable that runs up the door pillar and around the cab roof above the headliner :mad:

    Anyone know a good route through, or is it drill out the pop rivets holding the curtain rail on, unglue the headliner and refit?

    tried feeding some small twin and earth through a hole in the passenger door pillar and managed to get it up above the headliner..thought i could use some skinny flat bar with a hook gaffered on to fish it out, but there doesn't seem to be a route thru from the interior light hole.....

    any suggestions?

    before anyone suggests soldering another cable onto the 'light end' of the faulty earth and pulling it all thru, it's in cable sheathing, along with two lives and doesn't want to play....:(
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Use a torch?
    Although I suppose that could mean it'd be in danger of getting finished ?
  3. Thanks....that's most helpful:p
  4. it's no big deal really, the sliding door one works, but it's one of those niggly things that if it's there, and it's supposed to work, I want it to work
  5. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    No problem, happy to help!

    Coming to Techenders?
  6. Planning to...
    Baysearcher likes this.
  7. Have you checked and cleaned the switch contacts...?
  8. Cant you tie string to the existing cable in the light and pull the cable through , out of the door switches , tie a new cable to that string hence you start with a good cable again? Just a thought?
    Doh! Sorry just read yourlast bit, ignore me, torches it is! You cut just cut the roof open I suppose! :oops:
  9. sounds like mrs browns boys this thread tttt
  10. ^this. The pointy switch contacts are notorious for corroding, as they live in a damp door pillar.

    If it is the cable (unlikely), you can pull the headlining down on the driver's side (it runs up that way). Curtain rail off (use self tappers for next time), then prise away the metal flats that hold the heading up. It's not glued at the side. Tricky bit is where it goes through 90 degrees to emerge in the centre of the roof. The cable jams in the roof pressing.

    To use TC&E, you have have to be Part P certified, BTW...

    cab headlining s.jpg
    vanorak likes this.
  11. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    This is a nicely timed thread for me.
    I'm about to fit a headlining and my curtesy switches have never worked. Probably because there's no wires to it at all.

    It sounds like I need to thread two earths and a live to the light down the A pillar. Do I need any more anywhere else and does it matter which A pillar I use?
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    LH pillar as near the fuse boxes, the wires are probably flapping about near the headlight bowl/a-post. :)
    sANDYbAY likes this.
  13. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I'll have a look after work today cheers. Three wires then, do I also put a single wire from the light down the B pillar for the sliding door?
  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    You could, not many buses had this. All switches provide the earth path, I expect you know that already. Slider one is a good idea, I don't have any switches at all, I'm pre courtesy so can be as rude as I like.
    Lasty and vanorak like this.
  15. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I had a complementary dessert yesterday in a pub.

    Don't know how the wiring works at the moment. I'll just run the wires for now and then worry about connecting them at some time in the future.
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    12v from fuse to light common terminal. Wires from switch in light to earth via door pillar switches. The front two are chained together.
    vanorak and sANDYbAY like this.
  17. matty

    matty Supporter

    i disconnected all mine as it was a pain camping if you left the door open you got a flat battery

    It easier to get the cable down the pillar and then fish it out at the switch put you will need to pull some of the headliner out
    vanorak likes this.
  18. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    My helpful advice:

    Use radar...I was going with eat more carrots but that is rumoured to be a myth invented by the boffins to hide the development of radar. So. Use radar.

    Paint all the switchgear, seats and steering wheel with luminous paint.

    Paint yourself with luminous paint and hope the glow enables you to see.

    Eat more carrots...there must be something in it. Oh and radar.

    Tesla coils?

    Mirrors. Use mirrors to reflect headlight light into the cap in a vein similar to Peppers Ghost.

    One of those light tube things as popularised on Grand Designs.

    Use radar as popularised in various war films, except the one with a bridge.

    The man behind me on the train is sat on his own and talking to himself. I'm a bit scared, but am recalling the Daily Mail guide on how to thwart a terrorist /lunatic and am looking about for s more suitable victim for him/human shield for me.
    rickyrooo1 and vanorak like this.
  19. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Hopefully I'm not too late,
    You need to look for an attractive woman who is scantily clad with a few suggestive rips in her sexily dishevelled short slinky summer dress.
    Near her will be a proper hero who would rescue her if she's in mortal danger.
    If your lunatic attacks you, the hero guy will be unable to resist rescuing you as well.
    Hope you survive the journey.
    Moons, Lasty and vanorak like this.
  20. your cab LIGHT will have a nil on ,on or courtesy on ,switch on it, i have mine set to nil on , as as mattysays you do tend to leave doors open whilst looking for stuff etc etc n battery go flatty if not careful , i can jump in and flick my switch to on ,should ,i need to find something essential , but then ..................
    vanorak and art b like this.

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