etch or not

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by wendygun, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. yesterday started rubbing down roof panel between gutters and first line on roof. p.o. painted about five years or so ago and had started to flake a bit. I am just taking of flaking paint as under that nothing is bad and then going to blend new paint back in. smoothing paint with 400 wetndry but does etch primer need to be used or just normal as I have not gone back to metal....yet anyway.
  2. Etch is for bare metal really :thumbsup:
  3. cheers buddy
    just light coat of normal and blend in new paint..:thumbsup:
  4. Yeah, get it all sanded back out past any pealy bits get it really smooth 1st then prime, you can get high build if your having trouble, then sand again, prime again, sand again, paint, sand, paint again if nessasary, sand if nessasary, polish, i hate body work :(
  5. cheers buddy, will see how we go......

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