Engine rebuild - best kits?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Fil6, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. i will try this tomorrow morning. What should i be looking out for?
  2. That was one of the first things..

    Pdf of the vw service manual the big one....

    Jake Raby video not too bad.. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=252312436569&alt=web

    But here gets you loads of help and info and encouragement..

    One of my shopping lists...


    But you need to measure crank and journals to know what bearings to order..

    Lots of latex gloves... Cleaning stuff .. Diesel...buckets.. tubs bag and labels..more gloves...assembly lube.. Sealants.. A bag for your tablet to check Latebay for help from your garage and not cover it with oil ..tools loads of em!

    Engine removal.. And lots of other stuff...https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&s...QJUFwhBCwEo0nx7ZQ&sig2=PD-6CYqISQeNygghSB6-mQ

    One step at a time.. I've probably wasted some money on jumping ahead too often without asking here first... Always worth checking... I'm pants at this but nearly there now... Just my sodding heads to sort to finish the longblock. Then the fun of finishing off and getting it running!
    Cov1987 and Fil6 like this.
  3. Fil6 and MorkC68 like this.
  4. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    There should be virtually nothing, just a few wisps of oil fumes but if the rings are worn combustion gases will be passing into the crankcase and there will be a significant amount of smoke.
    Fil6 likes this.
  5. Don't forget a big tub of permatex and some assembly lube
    Fil6 and Deefer66 like this.
  6. And a swear box for saving up for all the extras
    Deefer66 likes this.
  7. Fil6 likes this.
  8. ...Other case sealants are available..and can be argued over many pages on some forums. ...
    snotty, Fil6 and 77 Westy like this.
  9. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:Thanks everyone for all the great advice!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

    As soon as I get home I will start the process of removing the engine to start the analysis.

    Quite excited about it!

    I will post my steps on here as I go
  10. going to try this at home now, as the van is running and needs to get me home from north Devon.
  11. Deefer66 likes this.

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