Electrical Cock Up :(

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by PIE, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. PIE


    While fiddling trying to get my oil pressure bulb to work I managed to earth the feed for my vibrator/stabiliser thus blowing the fuse that feeds the indicators/gen light/ oil light, there was a good burning smell, I have replaced the fuse, I have noticed that when I check the power out on the vibrator it is not pulsing but I have no idea how earthing the feed could have damaged it?
    I wonder what else it could have nackered????
  2. oops reply repeated :oops:
  3. PIE


  4. PIE


    Also if I were to ground the brown wire at the back of me fuel gauge would that test the gauge and vibrator by showing full, or not?
    Not mine a library pic

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
  5. PIE


    For anyone that may be remotely interested Speedy Jim has just informed me that you can test the gauge by earthing said brown wire!!!
    brothernumberone and physiopro like this.
  6. At the risk of exposing myself as a complete dullard! What is the stabilising vibrating thing that you inadvertently fused! How do I know if mine is working!!
  7. I think he means the bit that stabilises the fuel gauge to stop it fluctuating every time you go round a corner or up and down a hill. I don't think earlier vans had them, my '72 hasn't.
    physiopro likes this.
  8. It's a voltage stabilizer, so the fuel gauge reading doesn't change when you turn the headlights lights on. Some vans (pre-73's I think) don't need them as the gauge itself self regulates.

    All you need to know is here:
    physiopro likes this.

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