Eeek, i just won an air compressor on ebay.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Just saw an air compressor on ebay locally to me with just a few minutes to go, put a cheaky bid on it and won.
    Its only a 24l tank so won't be of use to paint a whole car but it should be OK for pumping up tyres, and might just about run a 3" cutoff wheel at a push.

    Hopefully it'll fit in my wee garage and not deafen me too much when in use.:p
    PSG likes this.
  2. PSG


    Well done mate. I bought a 900 quid bike the other day for 150. Hadn't even been ridden. Bargs.
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  3. Wow. What bike?
  4. PSG


    It's a push bike. A commencal.
  5. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I bought one of those compressor things on eBay.
    it was missing bits and the motor made a light show like an angle grinder for maybe as long as a minute.
    it did cost £40. The price was a clue.

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