WANTED Edge setter/punch tool (joggler)

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by Luis Navarro, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. As title. Anyone got one they dont use and want to sell me for cheaps? I know theyre only £25 ish on ebay, but im on a bit of a tight budget lol
  2. Nobody? lol
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Can you not take it to a local engineering works Luis?
  4. Not unless they work for free up your way Malc lol
    they dont round here....by the time ive shelled out a 'drink' here and there I could have bought one ;)
  5. Do you have a JTF megastore near you Luis (bit like macro) I'm sure I saw a mini joggler at my local store (Preston) for cheap. They have a website so give em a google :)
  6. Thing with tools buy cheap buy twice ....your better off making one like someone did on here !
  7. Bought a Nielsen one off amazon....pretty sturdy and works well, if a little slow going on long edges lol
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I would have recommended an air one.
  9. Yeah with hindsight I probably wouldve gone for one too, but I ordered this before I found my compressor lol just be a bit slower going I suppose but itll get me there eventually :)
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I have a hand one myself, but it's hard work.
  11. Yeah I gave it a quick test and realised my grip is gonna need some building but aside from the middle sills im mainly doing quite small patches so should be alright. I'll have a handshake to make eyes water if I use it a bit lol

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