Dubs at the castle

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by OrangeVW, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Nah .... The boy was gutted... It went to some heavy modded van .... Didn't even have a VW badge on the front .... It was nice though! .. Aubergine metallic and black
    ... Think chris got the second place though.

    We got lots and lots of positive feedback about Bertie .. People loved the resto pics .. A few wanting to buy it ... And a few came up later and said we should have won ... And how it was their favourite.. So that was nice
  2. robbed ttt, did you see fred n wilma , chris knows um?
  3. No, don't think so... Didn't introduce themselves to me ... But a few times I was talking to people at the back of the bus and I could hear Luca (9) talking people through the resto pics... Was quite funny to hear him say .. " this is it when it arrived on the lorry... Mum cried when she saw it". Bless
    Barneyrubble likes this.

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