
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Does anyone remember Dubhenge from Beetle Bash '96?
    Bit of a waste of old vdubs but pretty cool as an art installation.





    Looked cool in the sunrise.
  2. Where is this. Is it still up?

    That is proper cool.
  3. WHAT A WASTE!! ive seen these pics before.. and they outraged me then too..

    they could have made a 'henge with anything...

    cutting buses up for no apparent reason will never be condoned by me..
  4. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    They were stupidly cheap back then
  5. At the time it was done scrap buses were cheap and bugs could be got for under 50 quid.
    I wonder what happened to them after the show?
  6. Think I remember that? Do you remember people running engines with no oil to destruction? What a total waste! Now you cant even get an original thermostat bellows, or decent heads! Waste!
  7. Mutoid Waste Company used to do similar stuff at Glastonbury back in the day
  8. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Seen the pics before, and I think its cool aswell.

    The amount of cheap cars that I've scrapped or run into the ground, that are worth good money now makes me sometimes think - damn should've have hung onto that! but foresight, money, and unlimited storage space is something I still haven't got. About 2000-2002 was the era of cheap bangers and future classics as the scrap value had fallen to about £30 a ton, and the streets were full of dumped cars!

    Renault 5 turbos, Fiesta XR2's, Escort RS turbo's, Astra GTE's, Golf GTi's could all be got for anything from £250-£1000, and now these are all fetching strong money and they're all on the up. I'm just pleased that I was the right age to enjoy most of these motors, before insurance premiums, and fuel prices went skyhigh and most cars turned into slow, souless, bland eurobox's. :D.

    Oops, gone off topic slightly, but more of a response to konaboy6284 post :p
  9. yeah i see your point man, but ive always loved these dubs, and if im honest many of the cars you listed above!

    the difference is that ive never been able to afford these things, and me getting my bus was only down to a loved one passing on and leaving me something,
    so when i see something i would always have dreamed of, but never could have. being cut up and dumped in the mud because they mean nothing to people,
    its just a bit disheartening at times y'know?
    and as i have grown up with the horrendous insurance premiums because of irresponsible fools, so the only things
    i could feasibly afford to run was a soulless piece of crap, so i had to constantly penniless to drive my remotely decent cars, and am still paying over a grand to
    insure my bus, (even though it couldnt break the speed limit if it bloody tried!! ;) ) i am inclined to appreciate this kind of thing less than some.

    and i do understand it was different times, and they werent worth much monetarily at the time this was done, but im not old enough to know of this situation so cant
    appreciate it in the same way. but i suppose its just down to personal perspective, and if this had been made with some crap like mk6 escorts something equally as poor,
    then id probably think it was awesome! but as it stands, all i want to do is pull it down, and restore all those VW's to better than their former glory!!
    Bertiebot and Kruger like this.
  10. Off topic again I know, but in 1968 I sold my Lambretta for £25. You can't even buy a tyre for that now.
    Kruger and Tiny-Pie like this.
  11. Brilliant! :)
  12. my 2 door ford escort mk1 was £25 and then I scrapped it for £5....

    konaboy some people love mk6 escorts as well, all vans cannot be saved unfortunately...

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