Dub alive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. I am now in a position to offer a keep your dub alive service on a personal basis

    If you need a full resto or an engine build i cant cater for you but i can point you in the right direction

    Im generalising more in vw mot prep and sorting those little niggles you cant sort yourself

    I will quote a price for the job to be finished not how many hours it takes me and i will always liase on the phone should the job start to incurr extra cost over what we have discussed

    I work from home and im doing this to raise money for further education but i still belive in the dub ethic of making my needs and not ripping people off

    Im near northallerton just off the A1 in north yorkshire

    Send me a pm if you need anything doing and ill give you my phone number or take yours and we can discuss what you need doing
    Lord Congi likes this.
  2. Note to admin if this takes off i will pay to become a sponsor
    madpad likes this.
  3. Best of British to you Para, you could be onto a winner :)
    paradox likes this.
  4. Cheers mad dude i sure hope so

    We all need to just keep our dubs on the road awaiting the day we can afford a full resto
  5. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Good luck Para, had some good friends lived in Scruton, must be near you up there, nice part of the country!
    paradox likes this.

  6. Very close to me dude
  7. Good luck mate. A little far away for me but I'm sure lots of buses need help near you!

    paradox likes this.
  8. Good luck Para, hopefully tons of work will come your way x
    paradox likes this.
  9. Good luck with the venture Para.
    paradox likes this.
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Good on yer Para. :thumbsup:
    In my experience people want their vans fixing for a fair price by someone who cares about them. Sounds like you.
    Are you mobile or do peeps bring their vans to you?
    paradox likes this.
  11. Im willing to travel steve as long as it isnt too great of a distance
    Obviously i would have to add my fuel cost onto the price
  12. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Good luck mr dox
    paradox likes this.
  13. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    great idea buddy! good luck with it matey!
    paradox likes this.
  14. Not often do i bump my own threads but bumping here i go

    A patch welding to get you on your holiday when the mot man failed you

    A brake system that need new shoes and a tweek from someone that understands old busses

    A honest quote on what you should pay if its too much of a job for me

    A squeky noise or the window wipers have span round twice give me a shout
    dog, 72wilma and Robo like this.
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Heating not working oops north? Para's your man...
    You need to build a website Para.
  16. sounds like a plan mr.para....
  17. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    You need to move a bit south too ....

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