WANTED Drivers seat springs

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by nobayinhell, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Has anyone got a scrap drivers seat that they would sell me some springs from? I have loads of broken springs on mine - crimping them together doesn't seem to last and have heard similar issues with welding them. All the coiled springs are fine, it's mainly the long wavy ones that join the backrest and seat to the frame that are cream crackered.

    This is the type of seat:
  2. That is an e4rly seat base, you can buy flat springs new, try searching upholstery suppliers in your area :thumbsup:
    nobayinhell likes this.
  3. I used an old garden seat for the flat ones when couple of them lost their spring .
    nobayinhell likes this.
  4. Thanks guys.

    @SweeneyTodd - brilliant, have found some online as "zig zag springs". Can they be bent to shape, as per the OG seat?
    SweeneyTodd and IZZYBAY like this.

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