FOR SALE Devon Hammocks/Bunks

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by daniel_son, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Hi Everyone

    I have decided not to install bunks in my Devon as I really need an engine and so I am selling bits and bobs to put towards a new one. I would much rather having a working Van then hammocks in one that doesn't move.

    It may be easier to collect the bunks as they are quite heavy, I live near Bourne, Lincolnshire but am in Peterborough often as I work there. You are more than welcome to arrange a courier if collecting them is an issue.

    The first set are Earlier style bunks and have all the correct fittings. They could do with a little TLC as they are a little stiff. One set are missing an arm at one end. £30


    The other set of bunks are of a later style and are complete, I have the jaffa fabric for the other bunk but it was taken off to repaint the metal. I am in the process of looking for it. £45


    Cheers for looking :)
  2. U haven't got any of the hammock covers have you ?
  4. If he hasn't, I have. Cream and in good condition.
  5. I will have a look, I did have but not too sure where they are. :)

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