Dear father christmas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. looks so much fun!!!!

    Dear Father Christmas if you feel that Paradox has been a little bit naughty this year please consider myself next in line thank you ;)
  2. ^^^ Those two are no Angels^^^ Bagsy I third it... Pretty please
  3. Dear Santa

    These guys are deff no angels so could you consider little old me to have it lease, i promise to love it [​IMG]
  4. Dear Santa

    As everyone knows, there's nowt better than Yorkshire folk. Forget this lot and drop if off at mine, I'll leave you a mince pie and an entire bottle of sherry.

  5. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Greedy boys and girls don't deserve such amazing presents and I would be happy with just a bag of sweets.

    Ps. I have cleared a space on the road outside.

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