Dashboard question - anyone any experience of this?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AdyF, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Hi

    I really like the look of having the dashboard trimmed like this:


    These guys are the only ones I can find who do it:

    http://www.awesome.eu.com/T2 Custom Dashboards.htm

    However, I spoke to the bloke who did my seats and he said he wouldn't touch it. Said there would be problems due to heat coming through the windows and it lifting, etc. Not sure if he's just thinking of the top part though.

    Has anyone actually had this done or know someone who has? Would like to know how it copes over time.
  2. I'm pretty sure one of the lads on prototype bay had there's done by bromsgrove auto trimmers? Maybe worth giving them a bell :)
  3. Thanks @68_early_bay

    The link I put is actually just down the road from me so if its a good idea then will probably use them.

    I'm more interested to see if its a good idea or not. Do you know who it was on prototype bay?
  4. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I think that it looks brilliant. I can't see that the sun would caose a problem, Greasy hands might though.
    AdyF likes this.
  5. I can only think he is thinking out the top part of the dashboard. That company only does the front and handle part.

  6. Sorry can't seem to find who it was who had it done by bromsgrove, but just done a search on eb and quite a few have had it done including rackhams 3 years ago might be worth getting touch and see how it's wearing after 3 years :)

    A few pics of it done on this page :)

    http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=37034&p=334604&hilit=leather dash#p334604
  7. Thanks for the info @68_early_bay

    It looks like they just had the handle bit done and not the actual dash - that appears to have been painted

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