Crying with laughter!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    check this you tube channel
    bootsam and matty like this.
  2. matty

    matty Supporter

    Just wet myself
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    "Get it up there" classic :lol:

    They have white lab coats on ......... therefore they are scientists :D
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i'm nicking that- really funny:thumbsup:
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    I've just spent the morning watching loads of their stuff - why do we men not grow up? the propane can on a barbeque is funny as is fireworks in a can of paint.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Work! what happened to work?
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    it's quiet today. :chewie:
  8. matty

    matty Supporter

    anyone for tennis
    Poptop2 likes this.

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