Creaking hubcaps

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Juneau, May 26, 2013.

  1. Sounds strange but at slow speeds it sounds like my hubcaps are creaking on the rims at the front. Anyone else had this?
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    How do you know its the hub caps? Sounds unlikely.
  3. I was hanging out the window listening to them. Sounds like the metallic noise when you bang the caps on.
  4. I'd be taking them off and checking wheel lug nuts. Then taking it for a drive without caps to narrow down what it is.
    fritt and paradox like this.
  5. Surely they would make any noise if on attatchment to wheel there was /is some looseness?(in which case they would spin off ? are they tight on?
  6. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    The fixings are sprung. If they move they'll fall off I'd think.
  7. Mine used to creak too sometimes but they were the "reasonably priced" variety - I guess it was just down to manufacturing tolerances. A bit of grease on the rim helps.
  8. Of course in the days when they were the norm it was fun to whip your neighbour's hub caps off and fill them with gravel.
    NatchoNatchoMan likes this.
  9. My guess is that they are cheap and flexing on the rims. Ill take them off, see what happens, and report back.
  10. ...and then pour half a pound of sugar in the petrol tank. Aaaah, those were the days...
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Wheel bearing or driveshaft , it would need the wheel to flex for the hubcaps to creak.
  12. I've taken all the hub caps off and the noise has gone. The caps have worn away the plastic coating on the rims so its metal to metal contact. Also I've noticed that the caps were smooth when I bought them but now they are slightly rippled like they have been flexing. The rims are standard and in good condition. They are fitted with standard tyres at their correct pressure. I'll try some copper slip between the caps and rims and see what happens.

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