Cowboy camp, going Western in Preston 17th -19th October 2014

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by Dubweiser, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Two years ago a small group of brave souls headed for the hills flat land that is Preston. We went to a site called Fort San Antone which is billed as the largest Country and Western facility in Europe. Amazing times were had @Paley wore a cowboy shirt! @yorkshirecampers, @mrsmc219 and @Dubweiser joined line dancing Barbie and tore up the dance floor (although some of us lack coordination..............Zoe ;)) let's face it we all had an amazing time and vowed we would return and that time is now:thumbsup:

    The 17th-19th October 2014 is Fort San Antone's country music festival and we are heading back to those flat lands:chewie: This is the current line up:

    Artists announced:
    WARD THOMAS (England)
    SEAN KENNEDY (Scotland)
    GRIM FAWKNER (Australia)
    LAURA OAKES (Seen on The Voice)
    EMMA JADE GARBUTT (Seen on The Voice)
    DEXETER (England)
    STEPHANIE MANNS (Scotland)
    EMMA STEVENS (England)
    MCKAY (England)
    ASH COOPER BAND (England)
    DALLAS MILE (Texas)
    CAROLYNNE POOLE (Seen on X Factor)
    SARA CROCKETT (Ireland)

    Tickets for the festival are available for £25 plus The usual booking fee here

    Camping including electric hook up is £18 per night and can be booked here

    So is anyone brave enough to join us for the 2nd great Cowboy camp?

    So far we have:
    @72wilma slightly under duress but confirmed none the less.
    @yorkshirecampers and @Paley keener than mustard and ironing their cowboy shirts in preparation.
    @bernjb56 & @JennyB possibly a little worried at the prospect.
    @Dubweiser beyond excited and going to see the headline act - Ward Thomas tomorrow in preparation, yay.
    @mrsmc219 that keen, rumour has it they've booked a bunk house for the weekend.

    I'll dig out some photos later so you can see what excitement awaits in the mean time here is the thread from last time :chuck:
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
    Paley likes this.
  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I'll do anything for a new hat :chuck:
  3. And cowboy boots, don't forget the boots ;)
    bernjb56 likes this.
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Don't worry :thumbsup:
  5. :beer:This is probably how we'll cope ;)
    Paley, bernjb56 and yorkshirecampers like this.
  6. Btw, will we get run out of Dodge for laughing?
  7. I'm sure you'll be safe :theforce:
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'm sure that's what you meant to say, not sure we need to see @bernjb56 with boobs it was bad enough seeing @jivedubbin with them :eek:
    bernjb56, jivedubbin and Dubweiser like this.
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    It was a close run thing Don - there was one spare pair ......
    Terrordales likes this.
  10. We cant make this as the mother in law is insisting that we have a weekend away in the lakes and she is paying
    72wilma likes this.
  11. As excuses go that's not a bad one, I was going to offer to pay for you to come to Preston but I won't bother now ;)
    jivedubbin likes this.
  12. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    can we let you know as its Jakes's 18th birthday on the 22nd, hes at his Dads this week, Ill find out what he wants to do & we can go from there :D
    Dubweiser likes this.
  13. Phew just seen I'm working that weekend :)
  14. I would have come though.
  15. throw a sickee cong :D

  16. Cant at the weekend as only 1 in and on call.
    Have already reached the allowed 4 seperate times in a year as well ,resets in October as I will lose 2 instances.
  17. but what happens if your ill then ?
  18. You just don't know what you're missing lol
  19. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I can see it ending like this

    jivedubbin likes this.

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