convertible beetle tax free

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by shielsy, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. my mate dee local solicitor owns this just come back to day from a ful valet , thats why its on the trailer , it came in from california 6 years ago done about 1000 miles in that time always motd taxed , its currently motd taxed it totall rot free ,£5500
    totally unmarked interior
    can deliver to gb 07773242816
  2. [​IMG]
  3. [​IMG]
  4. bump for a real NICE CAR
  5. if pennies werent a problem i'd love it! x
  6. would be nice ......... if only funds would allow
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  7. I love this so much but just can't go that high :(
  8. So pretty - tempted to jack in this house moving thing and spend all the savings on VWs :rolleyes:
  9. That bug would look fab with wedding ribbons on :thumbsup:
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  10. Nice Beetle but ditch the trailer pictures it sends the wrong signal out ;)
  11. i've already got a pretty convertible who's being weldided as we speak...and she's a blue ;)x hehe
    Robo likes this.
  12. Thats a shame TP, now you do realize that if it was a lovely orange colour you would have a full diary / order book for wedding jobs already :D
    Tiny-Pie likes this.

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