FOR SALE Complete Devon interior inc RR bed - cheap.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Zed, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Do you want the rnr Paul? I can't use work van and I probably won't get it in my car. So yours if you want that too?
    I'll just take the overhead locker
  2. ok pal no prob
  3. Would you sell the table separate Zed?
  4. hi carl yes mate ill have the lot cheers
  5. Sweet, how shall we split it?
    45 for you 5 for me ;)
  6. yea sound , im just hoping the bits im after are all intact because its a 3 hour drive to pick them up , I didn't realise there was possibly a table with this lot so im hoping it comes with it [ sorry to tomev86 ]
  7. This has turned into the thread zed didnt want:lol:
    Lasty likes this.
  8. Yeah quite true actually, well if your ok with the arrangement above zed?
  9. ok guys I have to back out I just got myself a full interior for my eurovette in very good condition so this is up for grabs to anyone that missed out last week , soz zed
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    No worries all, you seem to be sorting it out between you and as long as I end up with £50 at some point I'm happy.
    I'll have time to take better pictures tomorrow and we'll see what happens then. I think. :confused:
  11. Arr bugger, ok well if you decide to split zed I'll take the overhead.
    You'll prob sell it easier complete though :/
    Let me know mate.
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Have what you want, but you'll have to come and get it. :)
    I better be sure there is one and take a pic, but yes. As above these are collection only, or I might be persuaded to take small manageable bits to Techenders if that's any use.
  13. Alright man, I'll come have a gander sometime this week hopefully.
  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I won't be there on Friday. :)
    carlperkins001 likes this.
  15. Hi mate have you still hot the interior for the bus.
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Yes still got it all, nobody has actually turned up yet or paid money to hold. I know I said I'd take pictures, and I will if when I get around to it it hasn't sold, but at £50 really should be 1st come 1st served I think. Must be worth it just for the bed I'd have thought.
  17. Have you got cushions for bed aswell.
  18. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I have. I think. And if I have they still have OG covers under covers someone put on top. I'm really going to have to have a dig about tomorrow. BRB. :)
  19. Cheers zed are they brown chequered
  20. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Pass. Will try remember to check it out tomorrow.

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