Can you achieve faultless reliability?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZZ, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. Unfortunately I fear it will be several thousand currently employed there.........
  2. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    Hope you're wrong obviously ... There's been a LOT of pointless investment around here if you're right
  3. I don't trust big business.
    Purple and Dub and Dubber like this.
  4. There was another that went largely ignored recently.

    From the BBC:

    British defence giant BAE Systems has sold a majority stake in its Land UK tank and combat vehicle division to German rival Rheinmetall"

    Guess what? The contract to supply the British Army with new tanks is currently being tendered.....
    mgbman and Lasty like this.
  5. You buy the best kit available. Which is why the Army's trucks are made by MAN :thumbsup:
    davidoft likes this.
  6. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    That’s kind of why I’m interested..... I’ve still got an original toughened windscreen; it’s perfectly good and there’s no reason to replace it until it goes into a million small pieces.... but that’s the thing isn’t it? There’s a 50% chance it will go on my way somewhere, camping etc... and that’s plans over, head for home.
    I’ve had a brick fly off the back of a skip lorry and hit the windscreen of my work truck, scared the crap out of me, and left a huge bullseye dent, .....and obviously a freak incident...... but I carried on for the rest of the day, and week, until it could be repaired. Not so my old toughened one if it happened. So if I’m going to get a new one, any reasons not to go for a heated one?
  7. I'd weigh up the actual value you achieve, compared to the extra cost of having a circuit and switch fitted to the dash. If you've got a decent heated air source to the front vents then I probably wouldn't bother for the few times you wake up to a frosted screen each year.

    I will fit another heated screen if needed, because another quirk of late Brazzers is they don't have heat exchangers due to the non-standard exhaust. They don't connect the front grille vents either, they fit opening quarter-lights instead. They work a treat in the summer, but I'm looking at rerouting the Webasto heater hoses through the swivel grilles on either side of the dashboard to provide some heated de-misting air for the winter.
    scrooge95 likes this.

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