WANTED Cab Headliner Rods

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by allibus, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Having just purchased one of the fab cab headlinings that Mrs Diddymen makes I am in need of the two rods that this hangs from.

    I've seen these advertised new but just wondered if anyone had some they wanted to part with?

    Or; can someone give me the dimentions as they look like straight steel rod which I could probably get locally. I can find out the length it's the diameter I would need.

    Cheers, Allibus
  2. Still looking for these guys and gals, anyone ?
  3. I recall looking at these before - I thought £25 for two bits of rod was a bit excessive! Although it does include posting :eek:

    That's why I asked for dimensions, I'm sure I could source something suitable locally :)
  4. I will get you the dimension tomorrow, they are off the van at the mo.
  5. 3 mm thick, 132 cm overall length, 129.5 cm between the ends when bent, bend 8 cm in from end
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  6. Cheers Keith, I can work with that!

    Isn't one of the cab ones a bit shorter than the rest?
  7. Ah, didnt check that, just grabbed one, will look tomorrow morning
    Just realised 8CM in from end, not mm
  8. 132.5 & 135 cm
  9. cool, cheers

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