buying 05ish New-ish Beetle

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MrGrey, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Madam wants one of these. Other than checking service history and cam belt and water pump changes, is there anything we should be checking?
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    What woeful mpg you'll get out of it?
    Atleast it'll make your bus look economical!
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    depends what engine is fitted, I had one and the mpg was woeful (2 litre 8v) the diesel is ok but prices a premium, build quality is crapola traction warning/abs lights often come on vag com finds faults galore - it IS NOT a golf in a different dress, the wiring harness is a butchered mess from a golf though - join for a looksee on the faults, I wouldn't have another.
    MrGrey likes this.
  4. i know this is a personal/taste thing, but in my opinion thats a terrible choice.
    horrible things!
  5. luckily she doesn't do many miles, so MPG shouldn't affect us too much. her last car averaged 3000 miles a year. pictures of one with nasty daisy wheels was produced the other day. I think the plan is I wont use it.;)

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