
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Colin, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Went to Chester today with the missus for a day out, while we were there we came across a busker playing an electric violin. Long haired scruffy fella he was but bloody hell could he play that violin, well impressed! He was selling CDs, sorry I didn't buy one now :( @jivedubbin have you seen this guy?

    Any good buskers in your town?
    jivedubbin likes this.
  2. yeh a couple of blokes play rock n roll stuff outside our butchers :thumbsup:
  3. wasnt ed alleyne johnson was it? oh boy hes good
    Colin likes this.
  4. There are some really talented street musicians about. Trouble is if you bought their CDs they wouldn't be the same as actually watching live. We saw a guy in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago playing a 5 string guitar. For each piece he played he first built up the backing on a recording thing that he operated with his feet. He was very good.
  5. Eddie sheran does the same live vvvvvvv cool
    the2ems likes this.
  6. Yeah, that's him, now I know who he is I can chase a CD :) Cheers matey!
    volkswombat likes this.
  7. In norwich there is an occasional good busker mainly it's big issue sellers
  8. awesome isnt he? hand built his violin i believe
  9. Yes, effin brilliant, I could have sat there all day listening to him, apparently he was with New Model Army for 5 years. Just found his website and bought a couple of CDs :)
  10. Hope ypou bought purple electric violin concerto. oxford suite is on there and is amazing
    jivedubbin and Colin like this.
  11. Yes, that and Echos, just a shot in the dark :)
  12. Hoochie Coochie Mancunian is pretty good.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  13. I like that rock and sausage roll
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  14. @Colin yes quite often watch electric violinist bloke, he always has a crowd and. Always gets the tourists watching
  15. There's 3 lads that do rock an roll, charts and the Beatles, they are superb I always sit and watch them while Kate does the shops, sometimes And an old boy joins in with his spoons, they don't mind or seem not to
  16. There is one on our coach service, you give him your money ,he gives you a ticket. Oh sorry that's busconducter
  17. Most inventive busker I ever saw was years and years ago in Cambridge - managed to pull off a fairly decent version of The Prodigy's "Firestarter" on acoustic guitar. :)
  18. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    The ones on the Underground tend to be gash...but then so would anyone be in the tunnels of misery and ignorance with such poor air quality..
  19. What is a CD?
  20. Cross Dresser
    Barneyrubble likes this.

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