Bus storage/workshop

Discussion in 'Late Bay Classifieds' started by madpad, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Hi, in a bit of a dilema I need a new Bus storage/workshop by January ::)

    In the Kent area :thinking: :thinking:

    I know its a long shot but any leads would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Try Jane and Bryan. Known for their love of T3's and 4's (not the vans) Lovely couple.

    Volks farmers
    CT4 6YG

    01303 840241
  3. Thank you Birdy will check out K+ for that 8)
  4. hi where in kent are you . do you want to store the camper or work on it
  5. Hi mate, i have just dropped you PM.

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