WANTED Buddy Box

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by dean_butler, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Does anyone have a Buddy Box for sale at a reasonable price?
  2. I have one which was mis-make to go between two front seats. It's slightly too wide to go there with standard seats in.

    Cheers Scott
  3. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Thanks for the post Scott. Looks really great :) However Im trying to find more of an original one as want to make the front seats into more of a bed so want the buddy to bridge the gap so to speak :)
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  4. dean_butler - I think you are too long for that ...
    dean_butler likes this.
  5. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Haha. Yes guess your right. Its more for Josh but possibly me at times :)
  6. you should get a cab hammock ...
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Cab bunk, he'll love it. Pile of cushions in case he falls out, it's only a 1 foot drop with a pile of soft stuff to land on and he won't fall off anyway. :)
    paradox and dean_butler like this.
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Snap - and I looked at that R&R seatbelt thing? Holes in the hinges of the bed for the pole thing. Very neat, but I'd have wanted it fitted to the van rather than the bed.
    dean_butler likes this.
  9. Dylan uses the cab hammock and its great. We have a cargo net we use with it so he does to crawl out into the main van area
  10. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    What's the rnr seat belt thing? Got a pic or link? Sound interesting.
    Yes thought about the hammock in front idea. Was just thinking to put his basket across the seats in front same thing.
    We have a Devon bunk already but he's not old enough to go up there yet but it's the best shelf in the world.
  11. why do you want a buddy box - we use for storing crap we never use and for moving about unnecessarily
    dean_butler likes this.
  12. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    It's more to bridge the gap between the seats to use as a bed for the little one. Do you have one you want to get rid of?
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    It was aimed at Marowak, something he asked a while back, but I'd forgotten about. Now he's forgotten I think. :) Not best idea anyway.
    Trouble (as I see it) with a cab seat bed is he'll be the other side of a wall of seat backs and might fall into the footwell. ;)
    Perhaps you could rig up a low rail/guard to stop the little fellow getting out of a bunk. Possibly adapt a clamp on one meant for a bed. Type bed guard rail - you'll get one for a fiver.
    dean_butler likes this.
  14. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Ok thanks for info zed
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Last post should have said type bed guard rail into ebay search. :)
    dean_butler likes this.
  16. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Will have a look into that tomorrow. Thanks buddy
  17. Ok, no we have one we want to keep to fill with crap and move around unnecessarily - that's camping :chewie:
    dean_butler likes this.
  18. mate, really, don't do it. A buddy box is a nightmare.
    dean_butler likes this.
  19. Surely a cushioned shelf-type effigy would be easy/cheap to knock up?
    dean_butler likes this.
  20. Make your self one dean you have the skills dude
    dean_butler likes this.

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