Books made into Films

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dinky2, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. We all know of Harry Potter, and they turned out great, what other's have you read and watched,

    I would like to see Dreamcatcher, Stephen King
  2. The stand Stephen king, long series of mini movies and the book is better, but loved it

    + lots more, including Rose red, that was a scary one....
  3. The bone collector, that was from a series of books but the authors name eludes me right now !
  4. flowers in the attic, virgina andrews was a fab book (and series) but the film was utter utter crap :mad:
  7. The lord of the rings films were good
  8. The Stand
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i always find books like Fiesta and Razzle make great films..............
  10. theres a surprise!!!!!!

    The beach?
  11. The Green Mile, I havn't read the book yet but i'm told the film is very very close, and i dont like to have seen a film before reading the book but I'll make an exception for this one i think.

    Also Christine seen and read both book and film pretty good

    Quite Stephen King related then ay!

    Lots of John Grisham books have been made into films that really only deserve to be shown on 'The hallmark Channel' or alike.
  12. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I dislike the way people have to compare the books to the films but I guess it's inevitable. I think a lot of pompous people like to make themselves seem better by expressing their liking the book over the equivalent film.

    Perhaps I'm just being grumpy today.

    A book is a book, a film is a film - they need not be compared.

    I wouldn't expect you to compare my dance interpretation of Anne Frank's diaries to the book.
  13. Horts are you being grumpy because you've seen the voting on the :) poll ?????
  14. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    High fidelity... Good book, not as good film, but I think I was in a more appreciative place when I read the book and in a new relationship when I watched the film! :)
  17. Not yet a film, but sure to become one, recent Dean koontz book about a clever dog ( genetic messing ) was really good, one of my face books of all time, just can't remember the title ! Doh I'll find I out tomorrow

    t'WAS "The Watchers"
  18. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Christine. Comparing the book to the film, the film is more believable while the book has far nastier turns but totally OTT in places.
  20. I put off seeing The Kite Runner for a long time because I thought the film could never be as good as the book - But as usual I was wrong.

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