Been a while

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by jay74, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Bus has been on the go slow the last couple of months, but last of Fabrication done and now booked in for prepping and paint. Nice to finally have it rot free.


  2. Glad your back and I'll look forward to future updates

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    jay74 likes this.
  3. What colour ?
    Congrats on getting rid of the rot as well, gonna last another 40 yrs :thumbsup:
    jay74 likes this.
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Subtle mods!

    Ive said before I like how you've de-guttered the bus, I do like the other mods too. Looking fwd to see her painted!
    jay74 likes this.
  5. Not sure on colour, though its going to be something age appropriate(ish) from the original line or possible splitty age range, nothing Garish though, but single colour rather than two tone.

    Yeah, we never realised how much was hidden(angle iron and filler all over) thats why it took as long as it has, its easy to cut corners but this way we got a photo record of exactly whats under each panel and piece of mind too;)
  6. Cheers Dude, yeah its been a while
  7. Cheers, yeah we pulled back on the mods in the end, could have got scary, i know some didn't agree with the de-guttering but a chat to a Vosa guy and DVLA put our mind at ease, any minor rain issues should be mostly dealt with by good seals, the rest we can live with;) We are going to run it standard height for a while and work out how low to go in the future, all we know is we aren't going into Chassis notch territory, apart from that who knows lol, We decided standard wheels, though we both like the look of the trim rings that give that classic smooth look
    MorkC68 likes this.
  8. My Dad deseamed my old Mini and the only concession I would make would be a short gutter section above the driver door, running out to nothing as I was *******ed off with forever having a wet lap or seat!!
    jay74 likes this.
  9. yeah, theres that weighed against less chance of rot along gutter line(especially back corners), this is mainly for the odd weekend here and there so not too worried

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