At last

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mabel, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. the Mabelette has spent 3 months job hunting since she finished uni - scouring the net everyday, picking up some temp work for a week here and there - and today finally someone has asked her to attend an interview in the city on Thursday morning. well happy, she has kept at it despite all the turn downs. i know its only an interview but its better than no interview.
  2. Job-hunting is just soul destroying. Good for her for keeping at it, and lots of luck with the interview.

    ('Mabelette' :)) )
  3. Good luck Mabelette and well done for not giving up
  4. Absolutely well done for keeping at it. Best of British for the interview xx
  5. Aww good luck, must be awful being turned down constantly! But yey for the interview...go mabelette!
  6. she didn't get the job she went for but they asked her to come back for another chat and shes landed a job in the Pathology lab call centre starting next monday. shift work in the city so 25% of her salary will be fares but its a job and foot in the door and all that.
  7. Excellent news. Congrats to Mabelette. :chewie: :chewie:
  8. :D

    Well done to her. You must be so proud. Yep, travel cost to town can be a killer but I'm sure it will be worth it for personal and career reasons.
  9. Thank you - we are, she's worked hard to get there - and Master Mabel is employed as well so they have both done well. My work is done. :) Not
  10. Woop, woop!

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