WANTED anyone got old seat cushions/foam going spare

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by grub, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. The wife says the passenger seat base on our bus has no support whatsoever and having tested it, she's right.

    Took the seat out today and there is not really much to support the sprung structure which runs just underneath the top of the seat base and there are no springs in the middle.

    So, figured out I could sort the problem by putting some foam inside the base.

    So, does anyone have an old seat cushion from a rock and roll bead or any foam knocking about that they could donate to this worthwhile cause (keeping er indoors happy) - guess I need about a foot square at about 6 inches deep, but of course could double up on 3 inch.

    Would have to be around the solihull area as would not be viable to post.

    Many thanks.
  2. sorted now thanks !

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