Any gamers ....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brett1, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Pano other games for me is the way forward but has any of you got battlefield4 or call of duty ghost ?? I'm torn between the to games which to get 1st don't want to buy both as the price may drop on these after Xmas , any pointers if u have these , thanks Brett
  2. I've always preferred Cod single player but battlefield online. If I were to choose one over the other I think I'd go for battlefield.
  3. i've got both on the Xbox one. Only played 1/2 the story on ghosts as i've been smashing it online. haven't really given BF4 a fair chance yet in all honesty as i'm enjoying ghosts & i've only had the new toy a couple of weeks. this probably hasn't helped at all but i've normally found BF to be better online in the past.
  4. I've got battlefield 4 for PC and the single player campaign was good but very short. I have to wait a couple of weeks to try COD Ghost although I've heard it's still quite buggy.
  5. Ghost
  6. The new cod story isn't to bad. Don't really like battlefield to start with

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