American does Geordie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. matty

    matty Supporter

    love the show but not sure which Newcastle this guy comes from

    Terrordales likes this.
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I used to have to translate "When The Boat Comes In" for my ex. :D
  3. My Geordie mate bought a Croissant, chips and gravy on the ferry over to France basically by pointing at stuff and grunting a lot. On cutting into the croissant he said "there's nay meat in this pasty!!!!" Proper Auf weidersein -pet moment! It was a long time ago but still makes me chuckle!

    Same holiday we were in a bar in Austria and wed been on the road for about 5 days, one of the lads who was from Peterborough asked me to ask another member of the group (who'd joined up with us en-route.) what he wanted to drink. I said ask him yourself. He replied that he couldn't speak German! Bemused I told him the other guy was from Workington, he still looked blank, Cumbria I said, still a blank face, its in England!!! Oh, he said. You think people who moved to England would learn English. I gave up and complied!
    Beckybutty and geordieandy like this.
  4. Ahahaha never seen or heard this before :lol: It sounds more like some weird Irish / Scandinavian version of Geordie

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