Amazon wish list

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Ive just been told about the amazon wish list you can create and i think its an awesome idea
    Im going to start one tmw and stick the link below my signiture on the forums im on

    So im intigued whats on your amazon wish list? :thinking:
  2. I don't shop with Amazon as a rule, I try and support my high st as much as possible
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    never been on it
  5. It's just Amazon seeing what people want, then they'll buy it and undercut everyone else by bullying suppliers into huge discounts
    Whoops best stop now.
    Just don't do their market research for them.
  6. Amazon is such an easy place to buy from, cheap prices and fast delivery. I've used them a lot but am going to cut down because they're like Tesco (soulless hell holes that are their supermarkets) and just want to wipe out the little guy.
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Same here, *****in cunning ******ers destroying your locality to pay for a helicopter landing pad on there tax dodge "research vessel" luxury yacht. :)
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I use it now and then for things you can't get here like yesterday I ordered an AC adaptor for my mothers mobility scooter.
    Before you think you can get them here, yes from my high street infact but at £80, from amazon US site it was just under half that with postage.

    Every thing has its good point and bad points.
  10. Tax dodging feckers avoid
  11. I remember Argos wish list when I got married ,we would hand them out to guests/family friends etc ....

    Funny how non of my socket sets and various tools never made it on the final list... :thinking:

    Amazon F*&543 A %$£"!....

    [although they do deliver pretty quick to France ,so I have heard... :-[}
  12. matty

    matty Supporter

    I use one for a few years as the mouther in laws crap at presents and its away of putting things i have seen that i dont have the money for at the time.
    I dont aways buy from them if i can find it cheaper elsewhere.
  13. I use one all of the time and stuff to it tat I fancy. I always shop about to find the cheapest price. Sometimes it's with them other times it isn't.
  14. Refuse to use them :mad:
  15. Dellerto carb tuning book.we are now in the middle(?) of our "industrial revolution/new world order >here it is/here it comes.

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