WANTED Adjustable Spring Plates

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by andyo, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. On the off chance that someone has returned to full height, after a set to fit 72 Crossover

    I thank you...
  2. BaDoiiiing!!!
  3. Still after a set...
  4. guess what, i'm not in a hurry...
  5. Bring a good set of standard ones, along with new shock absorbers and bump stops and you're welcome to swap mine. You get adjustable spring plates, the shocks and bump stops off mine.

    I'll provide the tools and bacon sarnies

    I'm in Hereford
  6. Hi Joker, Only just seen your response! Thanks the offer, I have a set on the way if for what ever reason they are not suitable ill get in touch!

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