a few old pics!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bertie78, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Hi all,
    just reading an old post that i put up about an old club badge and realised that the old pics i mentioned in it i never added them on , so here they are .........the one shows my wifes parents in their courting days with their Beetle in the background, then there is one with my wifes father sat on his cousins bug that had just won the local VW club best turned out car award, also a black and white pic of the clubs sunday meet.....little bit of nostalgia, all from 1968-70ish...the crazy thing is the car park in the club meet pic is now a multi storie carpark that I park in for work now :eek:

  2. I love old car/family pictures!
    here's one of my mum,aunt,& 2 uncles back in 1955 2 years before my grand mother passed away,the car they're sitting on is now mine! i had to put the restoration on hold because we desided to do the Bus first :-
    the car hasn't been on the road since she past,
  3. wow ...1955, thats fab...yes, you can't beat an old family photo ;)
    ....she kill me for this .. but this is the wife when she was a baby ( 1972 )with her parents Beetle in the background.....then another pic o her with their friends dog & Dormobile in 1975......Vw's are in her blood ...whether she likes it or not ;D

  4. Great photo's :thumbsup:
  5. Strange the way people still relatively young looked older/middle aged back then.
  6. This is a great thread.
  7. My parents were cursed and suffered for years with British Leyland so I won't be able to add any nostalgic vw related eye candy but encourage everyone else to do so.
  8. Amazing photos ,cheers for sharing :thumbsup:
  9. some fantastic photos here :) LOVE THEM :) x
  10. me still trying to upload phots , ive one photo of my father carrying me (1yoa) in a glasgow st circa1960 and the background vehicles !!!......brill
  11. I know what you mean Trikky..... I think it was the tweed & knitwear .... I'll try and get a pic of the father in law with our bus .... He doesn't look much different now 50 something years on!!
  12. This thread is great! I'm off to see my folks in a couple of weeks so I'll get some pics of our old dormobile.
    Dad took a splitty through north africa and the middle east in the 60's but we can't find the slides. :(
  13. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

  14. Flakey,it's a 1949 Hudson commodore,it has sat in a machine shed since my Grand mother passed away in 1957,here's a link to an album,

    I started collecting parts that got stolen after my Granpa passed away 3 years ago,Then i found this bloody VW bus for my son so had to put it on hold,these pictures were when i brought it home in a freak ice storm :- 6 1/2 hours dragging it to where i live.I been in love with it for over 30 years,--chuck
  15. Not quite as old as the early phots but this is the kind of snow i grew up with,if you at the top back you can see the difts are 9 feet/3 meters deep.this was back in the late 70's

  16. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Some serious proper Snow there!

    Nice Hudson project 8)
  17. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Cool project,
    before I asked the question I googled Hudson Hornet so I wasn't far wrong, anyway looks like you've only got a bit of surface rust to deal with what's taking you so long? Ha
  18. Another car based photo,
    from Oct-1958 with a 48-52 Studebaker
    left to right-my family,
    Uncle Lee, Aunt Donna,My mum,Uncle Terry,
  19. Moominbus! please find those pics/slides that sounds fantastic! must be one heck of a story ???
  20. Fab, fab. Fab. ..... Keep them coming guys.

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