A bit of a strange question.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nedfaux, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Ok I cant really go in to why im asking this :-X :-X :-X

    If you were going to advertise your or a business in a magazine how much would you expect to pay????

    I need to know: Full page
    Half page
    Double page

    Magazine is a run of 20,000 copies

    What would you think is fair ? :)
  2. I know a full page ad in a trade magazine in my trade (construction) with that sort of distribution is about a grand.

    I suppose it depends on the mag though.
  3. Firstly as a potential new customer you should get a better deal than normal, try bartering what ever you decide or are offered, that said, in a normal magazine I would expect in between £750-£1000 with that circulation. (full page)
  4. I was thinking how much would have to pay someone to print and hand out 20000 flyers?

    By the way its a free magazine
  5. print off your own flyers and slip them in all the magazines in all the local newsagents :p a lot cheaper......maybe lol
  6. If its at a VW show, my son'll do it for £500 ;) ;) ill supervise him from the beer tent
  7. Im not trying to advertise :)

    Im trying to find out what people pay for advertising.
  8. Ah one of those local mags that advertise local trades?

    About A5 size ?

    I reckon about
  9. my brother inlaw deals with all that lark. il ask him for info and get back to you
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    cut to the chase, asian mommas busty and hairy mag ain't gonna be interested in vdubz
  13. We pay about $3,000,000 pa on a Nascar as the main advertiser ;) ;)
  16. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    mine got delivered earlier and it had your name on
  17. My brother inlaw owns a printing company that also print and distribute magazines ned

    (quote not working , reply to above^^^)

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