76 panel van breaking

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by cambusbay, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. 1976 panel van breaking most parts available, in south east glasgow
  2. Any tin ware? What engine does/did it have
  3. Pictures and prices would be great. :)
  4. Engine Lid?
  5. If the sliding door is in good nick I'll have it. Got any pics??
  6. Is it lhd or rhd?
  7. Hi there its a right hand drive, the engine is a 1600 twin port but its now sold let me know what tin ware you need ill check as its goin in to a splitty so shoul manage something,
    the bus is a right hand drive panel that was accident damaged on the rear roof
    sliding door is in a poor state at the bottom, cab doors need re skinned
    engine lid is still here ill get pics, but its been flushed off ( flat skin )
  8. I'm after the rear bumper brackets that attach the bumper to the chassis. Have you got these?
  9. Hello buddy,
    Have you got the interior door cards. I dont care what condition they are in as long as I can make a template.

    ps have you got all the door plastics. i.e the window winders etc
    im in fife so can nip over on Friday if your quick with a responce.


  12. Pics of the sliding door would be great :)
  13. Pics of engine lid and price would be appreciated. Cheers
  14. much for the cards and windy winders mate as im in your neck of woods the mora
  18. It looked pretty bad ill take it off tonight & get a good look

    Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
  19. Hi mate- I'm after the panel opposite the sliding door, from just above the waist down to the sill... Would require a bit of cutting! Let me know if that's possible!
  20. I'm after the windscreen wiper unit if possible please?

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