6 week holiday

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by earlybaybob, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Bob has gone on a 6 week holiday so I am now busless and feeling lost! He has made a new friend though and he is going to look a whole lot different when he comes back.....

  2. Nice timing...:D
  3. I feel your pain, mine has been off the road for just over a month and I am still waiting for the new engine to be ready, and itching to be getting out in it again... :(
  4. my bus goes off for 4 weeks on monday for new interior :) think every time i look at the drive will think its been stolen .....
  5. Luckily I can't see my bus as it is to the side of the house otherwise I would be thinking it had been stolen too!

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