FOR SALE 1978 Devon Interior Cupboards

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by DaisyJuckes, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. image.jpg Finally managed to clear out the garage and get to the cupboards and interior that we removed from Daisy last December. All the original cupboards, units etc including a working stove and the sink. We've never used the sink but I've been told all the necessary parts are there for it. It's my no means perfect as you can see from the photographs but she is a 1978 bus so there's bound to be some wear and tear....a little tlc would be needed....I'd welcome offers, sensible though please I won't take £20 Thanks!
  2. I'm interested but don't have a clue what to offer.
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  3. FYI mine exactly the same as this sold on eBay for £35

    The chap then paid £120 to get it collected by a courier from Newquay to London!
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    offers aren't permitted, this isn't an auction site, i'm not being snotty to the o/p but rules state price location and contact details.
  5. Did I make an offer?
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    noooo i wasn't having a go at you just stating you shouldn't need to make one, a price should be given by the seller.
  7. Nope, but now you know to offer £35 ;) hahaha

    Ps. Soz to intrude on your for sale thread daisy
  8. If you don't sell as a whole and decide to separate it then I'll buy the original handles from you.
  9. Apologies for not realizing I had to state a price....shoot me now!!!!

    I'll remove the post as I've honestly. It got a clue what to ask for them, never bought or sold anything like this so didn't want to embarras myself by asking way too much or do myself out of some much needed money. Y asking too little!!! Perhaps some kind person could offer me some advice on how much a decent offer would be?
  10. whereabouts are you Daisy?
  11. I'm in Wigan, Lancs..........

    I'll re-post so I don't upset anyone:)
  12. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    If you don't know what its worth, eBay is a good place to find out.
    List it with no reserve and see what happens.
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  13. Wigan's a bit far for me unfortunately. I agree with Baysearcher about eBay.
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  14. Hi, is this still for sale?
  15. Might you have the buddy seat/wardrobe unit that goes just inside the sliding door? I'm REALLY looking for one of those as at the mo I have an old kitchen cabinet bolted the floor there! And if you want to split it up I'd love the cooker, the metal sides around it and the worktop that goes over it (some klutz took mine out before I bought it!) I'd offer, umm (how long a piece of string?!) £50 for the cooker and top and £75 for the cupboardy unit if it's not knackered?? BTW that's a Moonraker interior, in case you want to list it on eBay with some more ID?

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