WANTED 1 torsion leaf for front beam.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by deano777, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Hi boys n girls. Really really need a torsion leaf to complete rebuilding the front suspension. Can't understand how it has snapped but it has. its the 2nd one down in the pile. As you will be aware there are 3 widths of leaf running through the tubes on a front beam axle, 9 in total:- 2x narrow ones (top and bottom = 9mm), 4x intermediate ones (21mm) and 3 wide ones in the middle, (31mm).
    I need 1 x intermediate (21mm)

    Any help mucho appreciated

    Thanks. Deano.
  2. I have the full set in a old beam that are OK - if you live nr Preston you can come and get it -
  3. Hey Marc, thanks for offer, I'm over in Manchester so no probs there. Could I nip over to see you at weekend if poss.. Just a spring or two yeah..? Don't want the beam, or are they still inside, trailing arms on etc..? Any stripping to be done..?
    Thanks again for response.
  4. Hi all.. Not gettin any response, could really do wiv this torsion spring, has brought the project to a dead stop at the front end till I get one. Can any one help me out pweeeese..
  5. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Send Marc a private message, (conversation on here) he's probably not noticed you've repsonded or is not noticing the tiny red flag alert, unlike the old popups from before, He's a good chap.
  6. Ta Kruger, will do. Thought I already had but will try again.
  7. Problem resolved, collecting at weekend. Thanks very much Marc. 8^)

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