Pulled over

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by earlybaybob, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. If people think they can do better then sign up or become specials and show everyone how it should be done. Those that can, do, those that can't, bitch.
    On a less abrupt note, you be really concerned if you knew just how few uniformed cops are actually out there.
    With that thought, have a nice day.
    fritt, MorkC68 and baygeekster like this.
  2. Not a lot as far as I can see. Used to see beat bobby and community officers regularly in my street. Cant recall the last time I saw them although they do park up and use the shop at the end of my street to stock up on sweeties!

    Theres a few bobbies on here I believe who im sure will be busy pushing back the frontiers of red-tape bullpooh and wiishing they could be doing some beat work. Unless theyve been made redundant that is!
    Woodylubber likes this.

  3. Why on earth would I want to do a job people get paid a good salary to do for free. Bitchin- customer feedback matey!! I support the police as best I can and on one particular occasion got a good kicking from a mob for coming to the aid of two coppers who were getting kicked senseless. Im entitled to "bitch" in my book!
    Lord Congi and Woodylubber like this.
  4. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Are you Plod coz your post sounds like you are :rolleyes: all very defensive and that o_O We all know there's not many real one's these days but saying to someone who comments about how rubbish the one's that are there is'nt very constructive is it, Some people may have done their bit back in the day, ( Proper service ) maybe more than you can ever imagine and have the right to as you say it " Bitch " about how rubbish our plods are. 90 % of em should be pushing trollies at tescos. now you have a nice day :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  5. If you're ever pulled over by Police or otherwise never get out of your vehicle unless you are convinced it's on fire or something!

    This is in case something bad happens.

    Even if it is the real Police, they have no powers to make you get out of your car unless they have evidence you have committed a crime (e.g. mounted the kerb/breath stinks of booze etc) and tell you so. If they don't do this you can say no!
  6. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Said like a true copper.
    Why do you lot think you're all so much better than non-police?
    Your quote should read "Some that can do, some that cant do, some that cant bitch" but why let facts get in the way of a good sound bite hey?
  7. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Settle down folks, let's not start getting personal or nasty to each other because that's when threads get removed or locked
  8. My van is an ex ambulance and has a blue light. I'd had it only a few days when I got stopped and told to cover it (now got a red sock over it).
    dave smith likes this.
  9. Just to be clear on this. I fully support plod - i dont believe there are enough of them. I dont believe the criminal justice system properly support the hard work they do. Im not a fan of absent policing by using cameras and the like unless that is in support of a well staffed and equiped force that is community facing and not tied up with red tape. @Jono1249 - if you are a bobby then good on yah but I have served my country although not as a copper and im to old to join. That said, if there was something more community based that i could tap into I would be happy to but Specials arent even appreciated by bobbies now are they!

    No offense - but if your dustmen didnt empty your bins or dropped rubbish all over the street youd say they were crap. If the police dont attend or progress issues that affect you and your only contact with the law is a fine for doing 35 on a dual carriageway then...... You get the gist.
  10. i thought after the thread title he was gona say what you knitting "Groan":D. Had similar in Spain but luckily for me my sat nav out witted them:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  11. First of all, I'm a retired cop.
    My reply was in response to constant criticism on this thread and previous ones that all cops are lazy and a waste of time. I tried my best for 30 years to protect and save lives and it hit a raw nerve and professional and personal pride thinking that I had wasted that time. For this reason it was defensive. I'm sure that if your work was constantly slagged off, you'd be a bit fed up.
    I would say that 95 per cent of uniformed cops are running around like headless chickens. There are only about a third of the uniformed staff there was 10 years ago and the paperwork has increased beyond belief. The issue is with command and budgets.
    I do not think that the police are better than anyone else as they represent the public both good and bad but at least they TRY to help people not just moan about things.
    An old joke within the service used to be that the police only get good media publicity when a cop is killed. Still true now. How quick we forget the two police women shot on Manchester trying to help the public and doing their job.
    On a personal note, one of my mates who I used to play football with was killed on duty whilst trying to arrest a youth. My wife is still on the job and is frequently home late and is a constant worry.
    I apologize to anyone who I have offended or upset but please try and consider where I'm coming from.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  12. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    This is true for Mr Roo...I on the other hand was looking wistfully out the window and then he pulled over and asked me to look at this pen thing he was holding.

    Can't remember much after that, but don't worry everyone, I checked that my underpants were still on the right way round when I came too....
  13. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Blimey, the last time I was chased by 3 escorts pretending to be the police it was my birthday, xmas and best day ever all rolled in to one!!
    flashar, Razzyh and Barneyrubble like this.
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    shame when we found out they was in drag tho..........
    Moons likes this.
  15. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Bernadette was actual Bernard!?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    "goodbye sam hello samantha - goodbye lou hello louise" i belive............
    Moons and Barneyrubble like this.
  17. No worries. We'll have to put the world to right over a coffee at Clumber sometime soon.
  18. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    The issue with Police is that some idiot decided that the only way to measure performance was to do it but simple simple figures - statistics that are easily manipulated or indicate very little of use.

    The same 'brains' did it to NHS and teaching professions.

    What does this mean to you or I - we get simple figures that are easy to digest and make comparisons with.

    Some examples
    Issue - NHS is failing emergency patients by making them wait for hours
    'Fix' - Put a triage nurse in who will see you in ten minutes.
    Headline - We have cut waiting times by 600%
    Reality - Invariably you will wait a further a further 4 hours as it doesn't fix the staffing issues elsewhere in the system.

    Issue - Police stop more ethnic minority teenagers than other groupings
    'Fix' - give the public a card to note down who and when they were stopped, make the police fill in paperwork stating why they stopped and searched
    Headline - We have de racified the police and empowered ethnic minorities.
    Reality - whilst this can cut down on issues for truly innocent people, it also means that the scumy ones can claim and sue for harassment using their cards as evidence - so they get stopped far less. Also ties up patrols with paperwork in the station.

    Issue - Schools are failing as 10 years old's have the reading age of 3 year olds.
    'Fix' - place special measure teachers to give one to one tuition, or provide additional resource out of hours
    Headline - We have spent X amount fixing this issue
    Reality - teachers are put under pressure to fix an issue that parents should be fixing, or at least acknowledged as being mostly responsible for (did anyone read about the school that had to teach kids how to use knives and forks!). We also have a generation of kids incapable of learning without 1 to 1 tuition. Overall effect, less teachers available for the majority of kids, more paperwork and a growing culture of blame.

    The overall affect of 'measuring' is it ensured there is no investment in better thinking and execution - an example

    Issue - local policing notice high crime rates in certain estate in London - caused by divisions along race, religion and age.
    'Fix' - Police stage a dog show
    Reality - some social cohesion, some community, the dogs crossed most boundaries and got people that saw each other as a threat, talking. Initial figures show a drop in crime - the things that can't be measured is the polite hello or a wave that someone gave a neighbour that they wouldn't have before. This is not a blanket fix, it didn't fix for everyone - BUT - we the public need sometimes to open our minds and support better thinking.

    I couldn't be a police officer - I can't cope with people wanting tax savings and cutting the services throat and seemingly being content that it's a crap service as a result for everyone else - but then they get an issue it's supposed to be A1 best in world for them (I'm not pointing this remark at anyone here).

    I know some people will reply that they can't be arsed reading all that - the same people that seem content to insult other people's lack of intelligence eh.
  19. I asked a rozzer for directions yesterday.
    He was succinct, courteous and accurate.

    This is a true story
    Jono1249 likes this.
  20. Not far off it.
    Add performance related pay, short term contracts, litigation, reduced staffing / budgets, crime figures and general paperwork.
    15 years ago I could arrest and charge a person for a denied shop theft (provided the evidence was there) in 2 hours. It can take up to 8 hours now.
    I can give shed loads of issues and reasons why you don't get the response you deserve or expect. It's all very frustrating. I can also give load of examples of good policing.
    One day, if people still want to talk to me and have open minds, i'll do an "All you've wanted to know about the police but were too afraid to ask' session over a beer or two.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
    zed, JAMA, CollyP and 1 other person like this.

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