Am I reading this right

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barry Haynes, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. if it was a man the country would be shouting no no never , because its a women people think she should be allowed back ,not all , women cryed for equal rights , so no she should never be allowed back ,why should british people have to pay to keep the likes of her and her child ,let isis keep her pass her round
    Lasty likes this.
  2. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    There will be fish heads in Bazza's bin .
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  3. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    The British citizen bit, the bit where she has genuine rights is gender neutral.

    I'd be far more worried if the changed the law to remove her rights tbh.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Hand picked facts that suit the moment. Yes she’s a wrong un, but it suits to make it newsworthy over similar cases that are happening all the time. They have already allowed loads back in, why is this case suddenly so important. It isn’t, it’s simply fuelling already high emotions. It’s gutter journalism because the country should be getting together right now not having their attentions focused on this type of stuff.

    She isn’t going to walk Scot free back into British society.

    I can’t believe I’ve even commented on this thread tbh. I blame Haynes!
  5. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Don’t blame me, I saw it this morning couldn’t believe what I was reading and posted it on here to see what people thought, I think the majority on here don’t think any of these people should be allowed to return after joining IS others see it as gutter journalism and think it should be kept quiet :thumbsup:
    Day, Gingerbus and snotty like this.
  6. the only thing no one has mentioned is that she was 15 when she left

    remember those rotherham girls a few years ago who were groomed by a paedo gang? At the time the social services did nothing because they said the girls were just "bad", when in hindsight they realise that they were just children who'd been groomed, drugged and mislead by a bunch of thugs? I thnk there's an element of that here - legally she was a child at the time she left, brainwashed and groomed by evil people.

    having said that she seems to show no remorse or regret which is never going to play well with the press. if she does come back it's going to be hard to prosecute for terrorism given her age at the time surely?
    Kkkaty likes this.
  7. The government took a landmark decision when it dropped a 500lb bunker buster on jihady johns noggin. Or rather they allowed the USA to actually pull the trigger from a predator I think.

    Essentially that was a state sanctioned murder of one of the uks own citizens by the Uk government. They decided he was dangerous enough to kill, rather than arrest, try and imprison. Up till that point if the government wanted you dead they were a lot more sneaky about it, ie dr David kelly.

    So my view is just assassinate them. Job done.
    cunny44 likes this.
  8. pretty sure that is the unwritten policy for these idiots, they won't surrender anyway so i suspect their final stand may just be a slaughter. unfortunately that's what they want and martyrdom plays well with their followers, also paints "us" as the bad guys.

    this girl has left them though and is in a refugee camp ..
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  9. It’s not “suddenly important”. They only recently had a chance to interview her. If you read the article, it’s fact, not gutter journalism.
    Kkkaty and Baysearcher like this.
  10. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    It doesn’t suit the moment at all, and I’m not sure what facts you think they’ve not printed?
    -She left to join isis.
    -Isis got their asses handed to them on a plate.
    -She now wants to come back and us to support her and child
    3901mick likes this.
  11. Like turning the other cheek.
  12. Just imagine for a moment that IS became a world power ,do you think she would or anyone of IS would want to come back here , except to spread evil
    Faust likes this.
  13. Is it possible that she was groomed on line ?- after all she was a minor (15) when she left, using her sister's passport.
    On the other hand , she is now in a camp in Syria - surely the Syrians would have her on their hit list?
  14. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Perhaps she misread ‘Mothers Go To Iceland’...
    shielsy likes this.
  15. The weak minded are always available...:(
    All religions have relied on it since man invented god..:rolleyes:
  16. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    Problem is our justice system doesn’t dole out the justified consequences in this case I’m afraid - too lily Livered
    Ozziedog likes this.
  17. First this, then you say that they are letting Scots in free? Madness.
    Jack Tatty, Lasty and art b like this.
  18. Amen
    Bulletooth and Ozziedog like this.
  19. I think we should take her in. Then let the CSA hound the father for maintenance, that'll probably finish ISIS off.
    Faust, Betty the Bay, Poptop2 and 3 others like this.
  20. I’m inclined along the Rotherham/grooming line. If you're 15 and stupid with it, you get brainwashed easily. And there are ways to turn people back when they’re that young. Heads in bins, two dead babies: she must be traumatised by it all. The heroic future she thought she was going to have had turned into a very grim reality.
    But her family in the uk don’t sound like extremists. We just don’t know until some psychologist or whoever interviews her to find out her true state of mind. She might be a monster - not enough non-journalistic info to tell yet.
    If she turns back to the ‘British Way’ with genuine remorse she could be a powerful example to other young wanna-be radicals. Her story would make anyone think twice about how great the UK is and how crap her decision was. What if she joined up with Malala for instance to become a v different kind of western Muslim role model?
    If we bar her from returning, the reverse could be true and further fuel radicalism among the thickos who’ll say ‘look what the evil Brits have done to our Muslim sister’.

    One other thought. As she married a Dutch national surely she’d have a right to live there too? (Or, er, would he have the legal right to join her in the uk when he turns up from wherever he is?)
    Geordie, Merlin Cat, Dubs and 4 others like this.

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