Winter driving tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slammedresto, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. before going to the new camper and transported meet at the 8ball dinner in essex

    make sure you check the following

    1. although factory air con is not connected to battery, do not forget to make sure the fans are not switched on full, pushing -1 degrees of cold into the bus

    2. make sure the heating works

    the end

    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr off to defrost
  2. **tumbleweed smiley here**
  3. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  4. A government warning said that anyone travelling in icy conditions should take:

    Shovel, Blankets or sleeping bag
    Extra clothing including scarf, hat and gloves
    24 hours supply of food and drink
    5Kgs of Rock Salt
    Torch or lantern with spare batteries
    Road Flares and Reflective Triangles
    Tow rope
    5 gallon petrol Jerry can
    First Aid Kit
    Jump Leads

    I looked a complete prat on the bus this morning !!!!!
  5. brilliant.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    5 gallons in a can?jeez i'll need a mortgage.
  8. I used to carry a 48 hour get home bag in the boot of my car in case of emergencys

    It got in the way of carrying normal everday stuff lol

    A few real wool blankets are a good thing to carry in winter as is a few tinned meals and a cheap hexamine cooker

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