Today is Apple Strudel Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    A dish that dates back to 1696, Apple strudel consists of a centre of apple, cinnamon and raisins, wrapped in crispy layers of pastry, that puff up in the oven; served with a dusting of icing sugar and a dollop of thick cream, comfort food at its finest.

    The German meaning of strudel is vortex or eddy, which aptly describes the way the pastry layers circle the filling. When creating the dish these layers need to be worked until they are thin enough to read through. It is easy to create at home, using layers of buttered filo pastry, wrapped around your own stewed apple.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'll eat to this. :food::food::food::food:
    bernjb56 likes this.
  3. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Must be my favourite hot pudding....and one you can eat in the summer too....just waiting for it to arrive....summer that is.
    bernjb56 likes this.
  4. To celebrate, I’m wearing my Lederhosen. I may slap my thighs later.
    Gingerbus and bernjb56 like this.
  5. :TTIWWP:
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Haven't you got staff to do that for you or is it only at Madame Spankies House of Discipline where you get that treatment?
    Asking for a friend in East Grinstead.
    Gingerbus likes this.
  7. Apple pie or Apple crumble and custard for me

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