TLB Twitter @s

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by marowak, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. @traitorcooper for me
  2. Just split out the old professional anonymous account and the new @stu_dubster, sorry if I added you as @legaldeveloper and you had no idea who I was!
  3. @sirarthurindeed
  4. cheers all - i will update the list here and on twitter - when i get some downtime
  5. @72_wilma I think, second time lucky :) 'lost' one account
  6. @simonrgough
  7. nah, that's the first 'lost' account, can't remember the password or the email addy that it was matched too :))

    it's now 72_wilma
  8. Twitter says user @72_wilma does not exist
  9. yup, deleted that account as 72wilma resurrected itself! Both of them woz me ;D have a look for 72wilma and I'll be there!
  10. My twitter is @AChandlerA
  11. Changed to @GoWithFlo75
  12. @beakey67.....and I've been following from the beginning.....cor can't get the staff, why I bother, who knows :)
  13. @VWweddinghireUK I think
  14. @regalarrow
  15. @swervyjim and @arniesadventure and @thevdubshack, im on there quite a bit as you can see :)
  16. i should update and tidy this up .... maybe i'll leave that for one of the mid morning moments
  17. @chris_r582

    I like to keep my usernames simple, less to forget ;D
  18. @Routley

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