Post a lie about the poster before you

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bootsam, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Charlie abbot is in fact my long lost twin sister Charlene
  2. lowie is actually lewie.. but he cant spell :(
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    donnups is clinically sane
  4. Rickyrooo1 starred in the flumps
  5. majorhanger also starred.. as flumpmaster!!
  6. Donnups was mrs spoon in button moon
  7. Majorhangover loves cats!
  8. mrsmajorhangover is in a mood with her cat loving husband!!!! ;)
  9. donnups hates all things vw
  10. Lowie has fingers made of chocolate.
  11. mrs majorhangovers campervan once lived at the playboy mansion!
  12. Jellytot is surrounded by jelly babies
  13. Jellytot is having wet dreams :)

    oooops bit late
  14. Majorhangover has 3 vans really, and they are all roadworthy and have been for a long time
  15. DUBious is re spraying his van brown!
  16. lol donups!!!

    donups has sewn ickle gnomes into her underwear
  17. Jellytot is a pet name for something rude
  18. DUBious needs to post more to get his post count up!!
  19. Donnups is the CEO of UPS, hence Don'n'UPS
  20. Dubious just ate a goat raw.

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