Oil pressure problems braking down hill?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Gnasha, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Im doing a little research on rebuilding acvw T4 engines and cam across this.


    The later part of the article explains a mod to prevent the above happening on late Bay engines.

    Has anybody experienced this issue of low oil pressure when braking especially down hill?

    Has anybody implemented this fix?

    Thanks for reading.
  2. I imagine its down to low oil level.
  3. That was my initial thought, however he has gone through some analysis and disregards low oil level. It makes interesting reading, when you eventually get to the description and solution.
  4. What a weird article. Sounds like a lot of old tosh.
  5. Yes. A completely unstructured and pointless rant which I found hard to follow and eventually gave up on. Reminds me of Lord Of The Rings
    snotty likes this.
  6. I think he's trying to be Bob Hoover, and failing.
  7. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I bet all those words and all he needed was to seal the oil pickup tube where it goes into the casting...

    I resent the Lord of the Rings remark;). I read the entire trilogy and appendices to my kids at bed time. Beats Peppa the dumb Food Animal...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  8. It was a but of a rant and he doesn't appoligise for that. The last portion of the article is the part I was curious about.

    Has anybody experienced this issues and implemeted any of the modifications?
  9. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    He may be right, when you read the other articles on engine building on his site, he seems to have built many.

    But evey time I read of an American criticising VW for cheating on emissions on what are otherwise economical cars, I think of big Ford F150 trucks and pots and dirty kettles...

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