Did you know...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiny-Pie, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Do you know what the middle bit of Maltesers is?
  2. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Pumice stone? You can use it to get rough skin of your feet.
    beatnick likes this.
  3. Horlicks
  4. :thumbsup:
  5. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Saw that on Qi ..... or was it Who wants to be a Millionaire...better than a university education these programmes.
    Jack Tatty and CollyP like this.
  6. I guessed :thumbsup:
    snotty likes this.
  7. We were told when we went round the Mars factory in Slough. Oddly, they didn’t have one picture of Marianne Faithful in reception.
    beatnick, the2ems and Jack Tatty like this.
  8. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    You do know that thing with Marianne and the Mars Bar is an urban myth don’t you? Completely made up.

    It was a Curly Wurly
    the2ems likes this.
  9. Mick was very partial to a sherbert dab, I heard...
  10. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    What that Wombat poo is cuboid.... funny thing to say !!
  11. Camel urine is like treacle. Not many people know that.
    Betty the Bay likes this.
  12. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Consistency or taste?
  13. Yeah of course.............it's space dust :p
  14. Yuk
    CollyP likes this.
  15. Those are the poos from square wombats . Hip wombats do torpedoes don’t yay know :thumbsup:
  16. Never eat a treacle pud made in an Arab country :eek:

    Camels do have lovely eyelashes, tho’
    CollyP likes this.
  17. I'm ashamed to say no
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  18. Ouch, what would Terry Scott say?
  19. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    “Cillit bang”
    Jack Tatty and beatnick like this.
  20. Not a very interesting place is it.

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